Author: Bobbi Brossard Why memberships, you ask? Great question! For the customer/client/student: our memberships offer the movement + healing you crave with built-in accountability. When you’re on a membership plan, you’re more likely to take advantage of the included options since you’re paying for them. We’ve also designed our memberships to allow you to experience […]
By: Bobbi Brossard I wrote a blog post “What is Reiki?” in 2022, soon after receiving my Level I & II placements; you can read that HERE. Now that I’ve been practicing Reiki, as well as receiving my Master level placement, I’ve got a better feel for this powerful healing modality and how it heals: […]
By: Lydia Lazzara I had been trying to write about Raindrop TechniqueⓇ for the last four days and I was coming up with some of the worst writer’s block I’ve had recently. Normally, when I sit to write the blog and newsletter, it just flows out of me. After getting nowhere again today, and an […]
By: Lydia Lazzara Hello! I recently realized that I’ve been avoiding sharing outright the type of yoga I teach. Today, that all changes. I want to talk about the type of yoga that I teach, since it is pretty unique in the Western yoga world – and certainly different from the Hatha-style yoga that Bobbi […]
By: Bobbi Brossard I wanted to come up with a fun/cute title for how Harmony Wellness & Yoga Center (HYWC) got started; but then I realized I don’t need to overcomplicate this. This is our story… Harmony Wellness & Yoga Center officially launched on April 1, 2024; but the roots of this venture began years before […]
People are drawn to yoga for (many!) different reasons. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 10 years ago; and my family doctor suggested I try hot yoga to help with the muscle stiffness. I’d never tried yoga, so I found a close hot yoga studio and off I went. I practiced for exactly two weeks… […]
What is Reiki? What is Reiki and how do you pronounce it? Those were my questions when the word Reiki started popping up. It took years before I even knew how to say it! Having received my Reiki Level I & II placements, and now offering this healing modality in my practice, I know I’ll […]
Do you like change? I do! I’m invigorated by change. My business has changed since I became a life coach; and I suspect it will keep changing as I grow and add different modalities to my practice. I just used my name when I started-out. It was easy; and no matter what direction I went […]
For the longest time (the first 41 years of my life, to be exact), I thought I couldn’t meditate; or at least I couldn’t do it properly. How on earth did people completely clear their minds… on purpose… for all those minutes? I’d make it one (maybe two) minutes in and decide it wasn’t for […]