Here's where you'll find all things related to creating a life that brings you {daily} joy. 







January 14, 2022

For the longest time (the first 41 years of my life, to be exact), I thought I couldn’t meditate; or at least I couldn’t do it properly. How on earth did people completely clear their minds… on purpose… for all those minutes? I’d make it one (maybe two) minutes in and decide it wasn’t for […]

August 20, 2021

How do you react when your plans fall through? Do you roll with the punches? Or does anxiety keep you from enjoying life? When we are already stressed, what comes our way can affect us more than it normally would. Getting ahead of stress is what can help us keep our level heads. And as […]

July 1, 2020

Sharing my DISC journey is one of my very favorite things to do. Why? Well, that’s when my life began to change, to turn around… and I began to heal. To tell you that I am DISC certified is one thing; but I hope by knowing my DISC journey, you’ll get to know me a […]

May 7, 2020

Anyone else overwhelmed by all of the self-care talk right now? Coming from a huge self-care advocate, that may seem counter-intuitive; but really, there is just so much information. As I started to write this post, I Googled “self-care”; and I got ‘About 2,900,000,000 results’. This is your reminder that self-care isn’t just one more […]

May 7, 2020

You’ve heard of a loaded question, yeah? Well, this is one of those. Life Coaching has a gazillion definitions on the Internet. (I know, I’ve looked.) Also, this answer depends on who you ask. Since this is my blog, I’m going to answer like you asked me. But first, real quick, my journey into becoming […]

May 1, 2020

The Internet is full of assessments, and mine’s the best one! Ok, now that I’ve grabbed your attention, I’ll tell you that my first sentence is not true. There are many assessments, yes; but they all work in different ways and they measure different aspects of your personality or behavior. I chose to get certified […]