Increases self-awareness + spiritual growth and development.
Can assist with recovering from surgery or injury.
Clears and balances your chakras while also balancing your mind + body connection.
Assists in PTSD recovery or those with an overworked nervous system.
Promotes pain relief, increased circulation, and increased energy levels.
Allows healing energy to flow freely throughout the body, which helps your body to reach a relaxed state, resulting in reduced pain + tension throughout the body.
Inspired by Native American wellness traditions, this targeted massage, along with premium quality essential oils, provides a deeply harmonizing, relaxing, and rejuvenating experience.
This therapy is wonderful for reducing stress & tension, spinal alignment, and even respiratory congestion.
Sessions run 75 minutes.
The history + definition of Reiki, what can be treated with Reiki, and HOW Reiki heals
Self-treatment using Reiki with proper hand positions
How to perform a Reiki treatment session on another person, how to begin + end a Reiki session
How to treat someone with Reiki when they aren't physically with you (distance Reiki)
Techniques for clearing yourself before + after a Reiki session
How to use 3 sacred Reiki symbols for healing, grounding, protection, emotional health, and distance Reiki